J Public Health Emergency Operation Centre
Public Health Emergency Operations Centre

MOH Eswatini

Internal Communication

To establish effective communication within the different sections of the IMS and the feld. This platform facilitates communication between the different sections and serves as a mechanism for sharing of updates for common operational picture, decisions for action and coordination of the emergency response.

External Communication

The PHEOC communicates externally with relevant partners, government and private sectors as well as the public, in line with government communication policy. The PHEOC communicates with relevant partners, government and private sectors through a communications unit, which must have been set up in advance with designated roles and responsibilities. Crucial preparatory work must be conducted in advance of a public health emergency.

Public Communication

Working with risk communications health promotion and community engagement colleagues to disseminate key prevention and other measures through radio, social media and other communications channels .Issuing press releases at key moments in the response: announcement of outbreak, scaling up of support and . key control measures such as vaccination campaigns and then containment and end of outbreak.

The Modes of Operation


This mode corresponds to the normal day-to-day business activities. The watch staff constantly monitor and triage information on public health events by facilitating the collection , organization, analysis, distribution, and archiving of information


The alert mode is the early standby phase of activation when an incident or event has occurred or is imminent. The PHEOC conducts intensive monitoring of an incident or event in preparation for a potential PHEOC activation.

Alert mode activities include, but are not limited to, intensifed surveillance, deployment of RRT to undertake an investigation.


During response mode, the PHEOC is partially or fully activated. The centre should define levels of activation corresponding to levels of response. The lowest level of response addresses lower scale events for which all response activities are largely within the capabilities and resources of the PHEOC and low-level augmentation is required.

Implementing The PHEOC

PHEOC set-up

The establishment of the Public Health Emergency Operation Centre

The PHEOC must operate from a dedicated facility which is able to accommodate the number of experts required to run critical emergency response functions.In times of no emergencies, the watch mode staff shall utilize the PHEOC facility for their daily operations. Additional rooms to accommodate surge staff during expanded operations .

An operational structure needs to be established to reflect the essential PHEOC functions.

Kingdom of Eswatini

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